March 14th, 2022


BLOG #07

アウトドアファッションに一石を投じる新ブランド、「Everyday Mountaineering」


3月15日、16日に東京国際フォーラムで開催されるPROJECT TOKYOに、注目の新アウトドアブランドが登場する。ブランド側から届いたルック写真から、いい抜け感が伝わってくる。そこでPROJECT TOKYOは、デザイナーに特別インタビューを敢行。ファッションでありながら、程よい脱力感とクライミングギアのガチ感が絶妙なバランスでミックスされた、今後の日本での展開が楽しみなブランドだった。

Please let us hear a brief history of Everyday Mountaineering.



Everyday Mountaineering was started just over two years ago as a side project from my work as an artist with the vision to meld my passions for fashion, the outdoors, and design. We only officially launched in December 2022, so we are just getting started! 

Please give us a brief introduction of yourself.



My name is Scott Ferguson, and I am the founder, owner, and creative director of Everyday Mountaineering. Before starting Everyday Mountaineering, I worked as an artist for ten years and have been passionate about the outdoors world since I was a teenager. I moved to New York City from Colorado eight years ago to pursue my Master's in Fine Arts with a focus on Sculpture and Photography. I was surprised that moving to NYC actually deepened my connection to nature and gave me a new appreciation for and obsession with outdoor clothing. This relationship shift was the inspiration for Everyday Mountaineering. 



Please explain the brand concept.



The concept of Everyday Mountaineering is to support life on the pavement and the alpine. We aim to make clothing and accessories that belong in both the city and in the mountains— bringing comfort and luxury into your everyday life no matter what you are doing. While not all pieces are technical gear or crafted specifically for climbing or hiking, every piece has some sort of small detail that acts as a reminder of the outdoors, helping you to feel grounded no matter where you are.



What is a hero item of Everyday Mountaineering.





The Bouldering Trouser is a Hero Item in our collection, it was one of the first pieces I set out to design, and it embodies our ethos: from the pavement to the alpine. The current version of the bouldering trouser is made from a Hemp/Cotton/Spandex blend, has a relaxed fit (loose but not too baggy), a gusseted crotch for movement while climbing, and an integrated belt with a substantial buckle to secure the perfect fit.


I wear these pants most days of the week to my design studio, followed by a bouldering session at the climbing gym in the evenings and at the crag on the weekends. I developed this product with this lifestyle in mind and have made sure to test and iterate on the design to ensure the functionality and durability.


毎シーズン、テーマは設けていますか。設けているようでしたら、PROJECT TOKYOに展示するコレクションのテーマを教えてもらえますか。

Do you set season themes for collections? If you do, please let us know the theme you are showing at PROJECT TOKYO.

PROJECT TOKYOで発表するコレクション1は、特定のテーマでデザインされたものではありません。よりも、ブランドのベースを作り、顧客のためにカプセルコレクションを開発したかったんです。お客様が毎日手に取りたくなるような、ラインを構築し続けられるシルエットをつくりました。将来的には、パターン、デザイン、生地などの改良をさらに重ねてゆきたいと考えています。


Collection 1, which will be shown at Project Tokyo, was not designed with a specific theme. Instead, we wanted to lay the foundation for the brand, and develop a capsule collection for the customer. We created silhouettes that the line can continue to build from and that our customers can rely on for everyday use. In the future, we hope to push these designs further, experimenting with patterns, designs, fabrics, etc.



What are inspiration sources of your collection?



My inspiration for this collection comes from casual but functional outdoors clothing mixed with workwear and a sprinkling of luxury with the addition of high-end fibers and fabrics.



How many pieces does each collection have?



Collection 1 has 27 pieces.



What do you think is different from others?

エブリデイ・マウンテニアリング は、贅沢な生地と高品質の構造を機能的なデザインと組み合わせて、どこでも着用できるシンプルで耐久性のある製品を作成しています。


Everyday Mountaineering mixes luxury fabrics and quality construction with functional designs to create unfussy, durable products that can be worn everywhere.


PROJECT TOKYOにどんなアイテムを持ってきますか。

Please tell us what you will bring to Project Tokyo.

初期コレクションから、クライミングパンツ、T シャツ、パーカー、スウェットパンツ、ダウンジャケットなどボルダリング用のウェアを持ってきます。ほかにも、ワーク パンツと、カジュアルスーツとして使い勝手の良い共布のジャケットなどワーウェアも展示します。ニットはカシミヤのカーディガンが 3 型に、メリノ・アルパカブレンドのセーター を1型、ニットキャップ数点も持っていきます。


I am bringing our first collection which consists of clothes for Bouldering: climbing pants, t-shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, and down jackets. I am also bringing our Work Wear pieces consisting of: work pants and a matching jacket that function very well as a casual suit; and Knitwear: three cashmere cardigans, a merino alpaca blend sweater, and an assortment of beanies.



Please tell us your vision in the Japanese market.



I have long been an admirer of Japanese brands that feature a crossover between fashion and technical clothing like Snow Peak, Nanamica, And Wander, etc.

My vision for the Japanese market is to hopefully carve out a space for Everyday Mountaineering amongst these incredible brands and have people using and enjoying our clothing for years to come.